The Ancient Ohio Trail
The AOT promotes exploring the distinguished Native American Heritage in the Midwest, highlighting the historic local settings while suggesting tours and roadtrips among Ohio's historic towns and scenic roads, and cultural, artistic and tourist amenities. Virtual Grounds designed and launched the web portal, mobile companion, and 2D map tour. During our long partnership with the AOT leadership, VGI brought to the project an innovative approach to virtual map tours for heritage sites including AR components for four earthworks sites.
Client: University of Cincinnati / CERHAS and the Ohio State University; project funded in 2012 by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Explore the Ancient Ohio Trail
A comprehensive portal for visitors to immerse in the heartland of ancient America, where spectacular cultures created the largest concentration of geometric earthen architecture in the world. The website includes resources for planing a complete travel experience.
Transmedia Approach
The web portal includes multimedia resources such as video clips and audio for PC users, and a mobile website companion optimized for smartphone visualization for information on-the-go.
Forefront of Emerging Tech
Plans for developing the AOT project included emerging technology components from the start. VGI designed and developed AR tours for four earthworks sites featured in the Ancient Ohio Trail. AR was also used to visualize virtual models of selected Hopewell artifacts.